Test Group 2

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Send message on group

Group ID1002
Group Users3
Backup1 2 3 4 5 6
Group Forward
Text To Speech
Group remove
from account

Group interlink settings

Invite link url (used in message format
GROUPLINK and BOT @GroupJoinerBOT)
Display url of poster group (if applicable)
Group Identifier
Send replys from this group messages
to the original posters group
Minimum message length to send to this group
Message format
*Message approval (Need to set at
least one user as moderator for group)
     Delay minutes
Allowed message types that will be forwarded FROM this group

Message scan and notify settings

Notify telegram user/groupid if message contains flagged plate on NP Tracker
Keyword not to scan messages for plates
Keywords scanner/notifier
Comma seperated list of keywords


Registered keywords

KeywordsNotify groupRemove
braaiTest Group 3

Group Send To

 Group NameRemove
1Test Group 1

Group Recieve From

 Group NameRemove
1Test Group 1

Location based user join via @groupjoinerBOT

  1. Ensure you filled in the groups invite link above.
  2. Setup Settings welcome text users will recieve when joining the @groupjoinerBOT.
  3. Setup Settings notify user/group to recieve and process new users position to group setup.
  4. Get users to follow this link https://telegram.me/groupjoinerbot
  5. Users position send to are encoded as street->suburb->town->metro->province and compared to this groups Location search string if it match they will recieve this groups group invite link.
 Location search stringRemove
String in
Street->Suburb->Town->Metro->Province format.
NO position to group link setup through

Messages on group

John DowMe too

* BOT need to be ADMIN of group.